Simple Injector v5

It’s been 10 years since the birth of Simple Injector, and three years since the release of Simple Injector 4.0. The number of features that mean bumping the major version number have been piling up on the backlog, and so we started work on the next major release a few months ago. And it’s finally here!

This announcement on my blog is a bit late (41 days to be precise), but for anyone that missed that release, take a look at the Simple Injector blog for more information about this new major release.


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Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns Cover Small I coauthored the book Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns. If you're interested to learn more about DI and software design in general, consider reading my book. Besides English, the book is available in Chinese, Italian, Polish, and Russian.