
Hi! I’m Steven van Deursen and this is my blog. My blog posts are about software development, design, architecture, security, and everything that interests me concerning my profession.

I’m a Dutch freelance .NET developer and architect and writing code for the last 26 years. I’m a passionate speaker, coauthor of the second edition of the book “Dependency Injection in .NET” (also available in Chinese, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Japanese), and the developer of Simple Injector; an increasingly popular DI Container library for .NET.

Public profiles

You can follow me using the following public profiles:


Apart from the articles on this blog, and my answers on Stack Overflow, my publications can be found via other outlets as well.



Recent public talks

I’m doing Dependency Injection; What can go wrong?

Dependency Injection in .NET, what we’ve learned since the first edition

Can Dependency Injection be applied too much?

Hire me

You can hire me to come talk about DI and design principles at your company. Based on the interests and experience of you and your team, I will create a tailor-made story that improves your team’s knowledge and understanding of DI, software design principles, and patterns.

Contact me

You can send me a tweet or mail me (to ‘steven’ @ [this domain without the blog part] ).